Welcome to "Leading From All Sides," the podcast that redefines leadership through a fresh and unconventional lens. I'm your host, Abbie Mirata, and I invite you to join the conversation as we explore the diverse facets of leadership that go beyond the conventional norms. In each episode, we dive deep into a wide array of topics, ranging from personal life to professional endeavors, and unravel the complexities of leadership in all its forms.

Discover the various styles of leadership, from leading at the forefront to steering from behind, rising to the top or empowering from the bottom. We'll explore horizontal and vertical leadership, leading through your brand, and even leading in your most intimate relationships. Join me and my special guests who are leaders in their careers, communities, and families. Gain insights, perspectives, and invaluable lessons that challenge traditional notions of what it means to lead.

Whether you're a seasoned leader or just starting on your journey, "Leading From All Sides" offers a unique perspective that will inspire, educate, and redefine your understanding of leadership.


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